Description: Session to develop understanding of playing out from the back. Session should focus on passing and receiving technique and positioning in and out of possession.
Coaching Points
- Receiving to play forward – Body Shape (half turn), Scanning, spacial awareness
- Positioning for kickouts – Use width, spread out
- Positioning when out of possession – Stay compact, until ball in in keepers hands, then spread out
- Movement to support
Warm up – Receiving on the half turn

Description: Players in groups of 6-8, split up into two even groups facing each other. To begin, simply take a touch to control and pass to opposite player then follow your pass to join the opposite group.
Work for 3 minutes to allow players to warm up. Can add in dynamic stretching by jogging around the cone to your immediate left. Progress to 1 touch when players are comfortable.
- 1 player starts in middle, receives on half turn and passes to opposite group, always follow your pass. There should always be one player in the middle
- 1-2 pass with end player who passes to middle player, receives on the half turn and repeats
Opposed Practice – Playing out from the back

Playing area: 35mx60m
Description: 7 (plus goalkeeper) v 4 in the main area with 2 target players. Play always starts from the goal keeper, blue’s must spread out and work on their shape for goal kicks. Blue’s aim to get the ball into one of the target players to score a point, target player then switches to the other target who plays back to goal keeper.
If red’s gain possession they must aim to score into large goal.
- Number of passes before scoring
Original session from
SSG – Playing out from the back

Playing area: 35mx60m
Description: Play now switches around and the blue team attack the large goal.
7v6 (plus goalkeeper) game in the main area in favour of the blues, play starts with the blue server (or coach depending on numbers). Blue’s must play from the server to create goal scoring opportunities.
Blue’s can play back to server to keep possession. If the red’s regain possession then they must aim to score in either of the small target goals.
Throw-ins in play, play restarts from the server.
- Limit touches
- Number of passes before scoring
Original session from
Free Play – 8v8