Session Focus: This session focuses on Passing, Receiving and Finishing Technique using Volleys.
Age group: U11
- Players: 5-10 (Work with two groups if more)
- Equipment: Balls and Cones
- Duration: 15-20mins
Play starts with player on the ball dribbling clockwise to the next cone and passing to the next player who repeats. Play for 2-3 minutes to allow players to adequately warm up. Focus on technique and understanding the activity before asking players to increase tempo.
- Go anti-clockwise
- Add stepover/skill whilst dribbling
- Passing instead of dribbling
- Passing Anti-clockwise
- Pass, 1/2
Technique Part 1 – Volleys (Accuracy)
Time: 10mins
Players split into two teams, each team has three balls set on top of cones 5 yards away with one player from each team behind the balls acting as a server.
The server throws to the person top of the que who must try to volley the ball and knock a ball of the cone. The server is responsible for retrieving the ball and only one ball per team.
Technique Part 2 – Volleys (Power)
Time: 10mins
One team stands at right hand side of a large goal with no goalkeeper and the other team on the left side. First player form each team stands in front of the goals. Next player in line serves and striker must score with a volley and it has to hit the back of the net to count.
Side of foot or laces? Good technique, eyes on ball, knee over ball and strike through.
- Headers to score – Focus on attacking the ball, don’t be scared of it. How does this apply to defensive header on a Saturday especially from set pieces?
SSG – Wide areas with header/volley bonus
Each team has two small goals to score in, players must attempt to switch play quickly to the opposite wing to exploit space.
No goalkeepers but players can score in the large nets with a volley or header to score. Scoring as follows:
- Score in small goals = 1 goal
- Score in large goals with header or volleys = 3 goals
- Switch the player and score in opposite small goal within 10 seconds = 5 goals